Capsule dispenser
Capsule dispenser
Winning capsules gives many possibilities for the operator to attract players to throw punches. The small capsules can be filled with g-strings, tokens, cash, small prizes, fortune cookies etc. The feature is fully adjustable: the capsules can be won for high score, defined score, hitting round number like 200, 500 or triple number like 111, 888. The frequency of winning is also adjustable. Operator can also set the starting point of money gains after which capsules will be given out. The capsule dispenser brings operators more money, is attractive for players and is especially popular with festivals.
Compatible with:
Boxer Prize, Boxer Glove, Boxer Power & Reflex, Comboboxer, Boxer Sexer, Boxer Wheel of Boxing, Boxer 3D, Boxer Fire, Boxer Cube, Boxer Label Net, Boxer Dog, Kicker, Hammer, Circus Ride, Boxer Prize 2, Comboprize, Fire Viking, Fire American, Game Buster, Boxer Kaboom, Boxer Bang Bang, Boxer Elixir, Glove Flash